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6 Years Later: Turns Out I Was Right All Along

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35 days ago
Ah yes, Zero-K, the game where I was once told—loudly, and with much condescension—that I was wrong. That the game was fine. That the community was "thriving." That I was the problem. Fast forward six years, and what do we have? A vibrant, competitive scene? Massive influx of new players? No? Oh.

Instead, here we are, with a player count that makes a ghost town look lively. No big tournaments, no fresh blood, just the same few names desperately pretending everything is fine. Meanwhile, Beyond All Reason (BAR) is out here doing what Zero-K never could—actually growing, actually fun, and actually having a community that doesn't treat newcomers like trash. Imagine that.

But hey, let’s take a moment to reflect on some old classics. Anyone remember Drone? That shining beacon of the Zero-K community, who thought being a condescending ass to new players was some kind of noble duty? Good times. The guy practically foamed at the mouth whenever someone dared to suggest the game had issues. "Skill issue," "get good," "you're just bad"—all the usual insecure nonsense. Where’s he now? Still queueing for 30 minutes just to get stomped by the same two players? Or has he finally realized that his beloved game is circling the drain?

I’d love to say "I told you so," but at this point, that’s like dunking on an open hoop. Everyone sees it. The game's dead. What’s left of it is just a bunch of old names stubbornly refusing to admit they backed the wrong horse. Meanwhile, BAR is flourishing, bringing in new players, growing its community, and actually being enjoyable to play. Shocking concept, I know.

Zero-K had potential, but potential means nothing when your community actively drives people away and your developers think "it’s fine" to ignore obvious problems. But hey, don’t take my word for it—just check the player count.

RIP Zero-K. You had a good run.


The Rocking chair Rabbit
+1 / -0
35 days ago
For ref:

+0 / -0

35 days ago

+1 PLrankAdminSprung. +1

+1 / -0
Anyone remember Drone?... Where’s he now?

Playing BAR, last I knew. I think he felt that their community suited him better.
+1 / -0

35 days ago

+0 / -1
35 days ago
I joined this game one year ago, and let me tell you something, it's better this way, a small town where everyone knows eachother will always be better than a thriving metropolis where you don't know where to start with.

If you want a game with a larger population or larger competitive scene, there's always greener pastures.

You made your decision six years ago, let it be.
+2 / -0
34 days ago
See? Even an eloquent post from an old member wont wake this retirment home up from its eternal nap.

Nothing more I can do.

I've tried.

Respect and regards.

+0 / -0
You're not "eloquent" and you're not an "old member".

You're haven't "tried" to help anybody. You're just making yet another whinge post because putting other people down makes you feel better.

You keep signing your posts with "respect" but have never actually shown any.

Lest we forget, this all began because you threw a hissy fit when another player didn't respond to your DM as quickly as you thought you were entitled to. Your sense of entitlement doesn't seem to have diminished in the last six years.

If you want to play Zero-K, then you are welcome to do so. But there is no value in your continued posturing in this manner on the forum.
+2 / -1

33 days ago
Instead of arguing on who to kill to save the community, hire troublemakers to trouble the troublemakers. A single person is too weak to save all of Zero-K.

This is truly our Zero Kelvin point.
+0 / -1