What about making it so Licho fires an emitter/attractor/transducter/signaller that triggers a weapon in outer space, firing a very powerful beam, or lightning at the bombs position. There could be a little delay before the trigger (the signaller/source charge up or whatever).
I imagine awesome effects and some tension based on the short delay.
This would massively increase survivability of fast untis (eg. Jethro) IF there is enough space to dodge (->strategic value), while still being just as efficient versus large, slow and especially immobile targets.
The big and important benefit would be more uniqueness among bombers.
Licho's idea of switching throwing and dropping would probably also be more fitting.
MeetTheLulz, I think you are referring to my thread on Lichos and EMP bombers when you say "someone pointed out Licho throws its bomb, making it less susceptible to aa.". I am your clanmate, dang! Don't refer to me as someone! Use 'Someone awesome' or whatever.