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Planet Defense

9 posts, 879 views
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13 years ago
So far all I can see that it does it make it so that it only blocks the map from being played until the planet has over the number of starships it defends against...That's fine...but why not also make them destroy the starships once the map starts? This will lessen the amount of influence gained throughout the game and make it a little harder then just massing a bunch of starships and taking the planet over in 1 game. Right now it is MUCH harder to defend then it is to just attack..

With people having massive starship income and capacities planet defenses need to be buffed...I also suggest that even a couple more levels of planet defense are added.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
To clarify, if you have +9 defense and someone sends 10 ships, the map will play, but upon completetion of map (since can't do it at begining or it will be abused with !exit), 9 starships would be destroyed and you'd only get the bonus from 1 starship that survived.

Another example:

Player sends 14 starships
Planet has +9 defense.
Map plays
Once game is over
if player who sent starships wins, the planet destroys 9 starships, leaving player with 5 starships left over for bonus influence.

Mayhaps make it so that if the player loses he only loses 9 starships as well.

This change is just to make it so planets are being exchanged within just a single battle. Since you can destroy structures, you can also weaken the defenses, so even if you win, if you destroy planet defense structures, you will need less starships next game cause defense will go down to +6 defense.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Not all people have massive starship production. In fact masses of starships are relatively rare considering the number of players and starship production growth being nearly exponential means that wont change easy enough, which is bad bad bad.
+0 / -0
13 years ago

need to correct above post

*This change is just to make it so planets AREn'T being exhanged within just a single battle*

Now to reply to Skasi.

Sorry but mass starship production is rampant, especially between DOOP and FL and a couple others. I, by myself, have like +5 starship a turn with like +8 capacity. and I only have like 4-5 planets. DOOP has 28...that's MASSIVE starship production and capacity and FL is right behind them.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Also, Skasi, you rarely EVER play planet wars...I don't think you should really be commenting on a system you barely ever participate in...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You just gave a very good example yourself, so stop telling me not to comment.
"Sorry but mass starship production is rampant, especially between DOOP and FL"

DOOP has no more than three players able to spam starships. FL has exactly one. One player with more than two planets. Just one.

Only four players - out of the two biggest clans. Now if you take a closer look at players you will see that starship production rate between players really is exponent.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
POlease make a ticket regarding defenses "killing" ships before influence bonus. Thats a good idea.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Where would I make this ticket?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
There you go:

Hurry up, so I can vote this feature request down already. :P
+0 / -0