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[ZK-Lobby] Pharse the chatt

6 posts, 1323 views
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13 years ago
hey, you fucking NIGGER!!!!!
Im Karotte.

Yeah, i think you dont like me welcome to you. Why i used this words...? since some time, some useres talking really shit in the Lobby, and ingame.

So pls pharse the Chat and mute a User for 5mins when the using some rude words (like: nigger, fuck, whore, etc.)


+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yes, friggin' fuggin' start muting people and censoring the shid' out of Springie rooms. If EcoWhore talks anything again, I want to find her hacked to death!

P.S.: You mean "parse".
P.P.S.: Karotte sounds pervert.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Karotte is a german word and nothing bad :)

+1 to parse chat and mute anyone - incl. votes - if someone use this words in his name.

And parse a copy without whitespaces, special chars convert the letter ZERO to "o", etc and make anything lower case.

Then if someone repeat the sentences of others don't mute this player.

If you have so much code that the server's CPU overheat, you have reached your goal that this players are muted for ever :)

But it would be really nice if the clients parse this and send a parsing request to the server at positive results.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Look to Skasi.. he's the best reason why to do it! :P
+0 / -0
13 years ago
i agree to that, kids chat is a riot
+0 / -0
13 years ago
who is kid?

can we use it against be raided in the early game?
+0 / -0