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Banned because of harrasing

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10 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
Well, I got banned because of harassing new player, and raging at him. However all I did was telling him that he needs units, instead of 21541251251 facs.
What is wrong with admins these days? I cant even give new player a ''clue''? ;o

Here's the replay:
+1 / -8
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
Yea, WTF
You need to ban uself google frog. Such noobs like in that game ruins games, I suggested to make low-elo limit, but fuck, nobody listen.
WHY we need to deal with guys that have no idea how to build units, expand, and how to mex. I dont want to lose games cuz of this.
+2 / -16
Please don't undermine it, @Hower. It wasn't a "clue". This is not your first case of verbal abuse. Don't type with caps lock on and don't add numerous exclamation and question marks. Also, be extra careful with single and two chevron players.

You're free to play again within 4 hours.
+5 / -2

10 years ago
WHY we need to deal with guys that have no idea how to build units, expand, and how to mex. I dont want to lose games cuz of this.

[20:27] [[TR0LL]sfireman] why should I care about other's fun?
+12 / -2

10 years ago
sfireman you have no right to harass people. You're not justified. You should expect new players in the "All Welcome" host. Plenty of people are able to not rage at new players, scribble on their base and pointspam them.
+6 / -2
Well I accidenatly pressed capslock because it is close to SHIFT (I pressed shift to make question mark), isnt it? I pressed it, and didnt notice its turned on. Thats why I was banned?
2ndly I used only one exclamation point for the whole game, and about question mark, since when " srsly?????? " is harassment? ;o
Also, I asked him at the game beginning, to make porc in 2/3 of the map instead around his base. He said ok, but he still surrounded his base with defers. In my oppinion thats trolling ^^.

+1 / -6
10 years ago
I accidenatly pressed capslock because it is close to SHIFT, isnt it? I pressed it, and didnt notice its turned on

seems legit
+6 / -1
WHY we need to deal with guys that have no idea how to build units, expand, and how to mex. I dont want to lose games cuz of this.

In year 2012, i've told you the only solution to the issue you complain about:

"Don't play 'newbies welcome' games if you don't have the nerve. Just don't."

Because newbies are just as welcome there as you are. Which means if you think newbies aren't welcome in such rooms, you aren't welcome either.

It's 2013 now, and you still insist on playing the very type of games that seem to rage you and get you banned, over and over again.

Mice hurt and cried, but kept eating the cactus.

Seed clanwars or just hi-elo teamgames. Play duels. If you think there aren't enough players for those, then go play LoL or something. Otherwise, with your attitude there will never be enough players, since you votekick them or just rage at them until they leave, and then they tell their friends about how shit zk community is.
+14 / -0

10 years ago
That's a good summary, Anarchid! Let's replace the current code of conduct with that. :D
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Anarchid, sometimes its better to make player leave community, than let him make every1 around sick. Perfect example is Vigevanese, that is raging every time when someone give him advice, or ask him for help etc.
Once he even told Rafal[ZK] that he will report him, lol ;o
+3 / -0
sometimes its better to make player leave community

Pay attention: that applies to you just as well.

The second you have caused two players to leave, you're detrimental.
+8 / -0
I caused 2 players to leave? When? Who?

Also who is more detrimental, person raging at dumbasses, or acutal dumbasses ?
+1 / -6
No, that's not what he said.

You said "sometimes it's better to make players leave the community". Anarchid pointed out that if one player scares away two newbies, making said player "leave the community" would have been better. It's 2 players gone vs one player gone.

Ofcourse it's not that easy in reality, but keep in mind that your actions have an impact on the entire community, no matter how stupid of a player you are trying to help.
+1 / -0
@[Detoxified]BadBoy causes me to leave community everyday.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Yeah, I missunderstood him.
Anyway I still think that its better to have one everyday player, even if he rages, than 2 ''once a week'' players.
+1 / -5

10 years ago
If that everyday player means we lose 5 potential players per week, then no.
+5 / -0

10 years ago
Also, in text-based communication there is no excuse for rage. I can understand that when physically with people one can lose composure for a few seconds and let anger slip, but with text there is plenty of time to think about what you type before sending it out to the world.
+4 / -0
10 years ago
So, a player who plays more often is worth more than one who plays occasionally?
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Ivica and other trolls makes me angry with their endless repetative troll votes for take over and * speed metal with stupid roach cannons
+0 / -2
10 years ago
I accidenatly pressed capslock because it is close to SHIFT, isnt it? I pressed it, and didnt notice its turned on

I love this thread
+1 / -1
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