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Looking for good dubstep tracks

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11 years ago
Hey guys i wanted to ask if anyone of you knows some good dubstep tracks. What i'm looking for are sumojump bassdrops (really heavy), ear-raping wobbles and sounds generated by giant robots having rough sex. I also enjoy songs which are a mix of dubstep and something else, and no idea why but i have a big fetish of weapon-imitiating wobbles(no idea how to call it). I prefer when the mood of the song is more dark and dangerous(not a rule though).
Some examples:
(Really deep bass drop, many ear-raping wobbles)
(Good mix-up of dubstep and Jamaican vocal)
(Very enjoyable wobbles; this song also sounds really good ingame in Syndicate)
(Weapon-related song, always listening to it while rushing a brawler, it sounds extremely well when you time the bass drop with Brawler when he starts to shoot for the first time, happened to me once and i had a boner.)
(Fulfilled with robotic sounds which i like a lot)
(Features a badass drop along with uncomfortable feel)
(This one is different because it's an epic/scenic song but it has a dubstep part which fits really well into it, the drop is at 2:59 mark and sounds so epic i can't describe it.)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Seven Lions
Some arkasia, although some of his are a bit meh
+1 / -0
11 years ago
+1 / -0

https://soundcloud.com/tuttutchild (look for the dubstep tags if that the only thing you'll take)


And of course: http://www.dubstep.net/ with whatever tag combination you like.

Oh, also if you like really crazy drops: https://soundcloud.com/razihel/savant-razihel-light-years (savant doing what savant does :D)
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Seven Lions wasn't exactly what i was asking for, but sounds really great anyways!
And i agree that Arkasia is kinda mediocre unfortunately.
Thank you!
Sounds a little bit too... funky? But is still good!
Thanks man!
These are some really sick drops, All of those tracks and Tut Tut Child has some good songs too. I bet dubstep.net will be really useful, didn't knew such a site even exist. Thanks a lot!

If anyone else has some nice tracks to share, or ask for some feel free to do so :3
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I like listening to Datsik or Borgore. Especially Borgore makes music that sounds like dirty Robot porn only people (cyborgs?) like ddab would watch.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
I know both of them already, they are both good, but i kinda like and dislike at the same time the filthy vocal in Borgore's tracks. Thanks anyways!
+0 / -0
The filthy/heavy tag is probably what you're looking for on dubstep.net, there's really inexhaustible amounts of those. Although i personally feel they sometimes sound alike a lot.

Some more songs i enjoy because of how they mix dubstep with other stuff:


+0 / -0

11 years ago
Liek I said with arkasia a few are good not most XD

Also, Ephixa
How I forgot ephixa I'll never know
+0 / -0
Wow, finally KDrew produced some more dubstep:

The original mix was amazing and i found myself humming the tune frequently.
Recently, two remixes of it showed up in my stream (this and this) that i couldn't stop listening to, and now there's an entire hour of them:
Broad spectrum of genres, really exciting i think.

Only sad thing is that it's no more free download. But i still love how this turned out :D
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Here are a few I like.

Celldweller: (these are actually metal/"dubstep" hybrids)

Jack Trammell: (orchestral/heavy electronic hybrid)

If any of these sound familiar, it is probably because it was in a movie trailer.
+0 / -0
Well, to spice things up a bit, here are some mixes:

https://soundcloud.com/rudebrat/rudemix-vol-1 (@Brofessional will like this :D)

Especially when coding late at night or during long car trips (no, i don't mean "coding during long car trips", doh), these keep me awake :)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Hey I found 2 songs today that could be dedicated directly to Zero-K:

Did he just said shieldbot? (this one is the perfect candidate for the ZK trailer)
Send in the reapers!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I know it's old, but i still get the giggles when thinking of this video:

And the (incredibly well-fit) remix:
+1 / -0
11 years ago
If you haven't seen until now:
+1 / -0
11 years ago

A channel full of good music.
+0 / -0

Relatedly, http://edm.com will launch on new year's eve, so everybdy should be able to get a rich supply of whatever electronic music he likes on there.
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