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Commander Design Direction

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10 years ago
Given that commanders are under a bit of flex right now, I think its probably fair to talk about them.

First of all, I think I should establish what I think commanders are good for.

1: They provide mobile defense against early raids.
2: They provide an alternate target to attack.

With morphing, I think that expands to

3: They provide some ability to cover up your starting factory's weaknesses.
4: They provide the ability to inject a bit of additional personality and flare into the game.

I think all of these things are valuable.

I do not believe current comm upgrades are currently implemented with much direction. They tend to fall into a few viable choices fairly easily, they have moderate RPS-style problems. Likewise, they are often fairly swingy with trollcomms often being wildly successful or failing utterly.

If I were to propose an alternative system, it would be as follows:

3 Tiers of upgrades
Weapons are added at no specific tier, but when you have purchased them. They are in general weaker at base than current commander weapons, though damage increases are cheaper. The first upgrade improve the commanders basic weapon, and the second adds an additional weapon.
After Level 1, units do not get additional base stats.

Tier 0:
Basic capabilities. All tier 0s are balanced to be about the same with trade-offs existing, but being more average than the current state. Health pools around level 3 commander.

Tier 1: Maximum Metal (200 additional possible metal)
Defining traits for the chasis begin to come in. This Tier costs 400 base and has some minor customization potential. Only weak or fairly straight-forward weapons can be afforded.

These upgrades are fairly consistent so the chasis can be more easily balanced.

Example bonuses:
Recon: Jump cooldown substantially reduced and distance significantly increased.
Battle: Significant health increase.

Tier 2: Maximum Metal 600.
Customization begins being common. Advanced weapon options begin unlocking.

Tier 3: Maximum Metal 800.
Significant major choices or additions possible.

The core here are the following principles:
Stabilize level 0 to be more survivable but less effective as an assault.
Stabilize level 1 to be sufficiently consistent that blind RPS does not occur strongly at the early-game.
Set customization to exist at level 2+ to allow personalization to come in when it is least damaging to gameplay. Likewise, by reducing morph speed and capping metal investment more cleanly, it is easier to get more efficient and better tuned commanders without snowballing power scales.

That is the idea at least. What do you guys imagine for commander direction?
+1 / -0

10 years ago
The initial analysis is fine, but I don't think your proposed changes really achieve that. Having a steeper step from level 0 to 1 means you have even more extreme rush situations. It means it's a riskier thing to cheese or do early, but it means the payoffs are even swingier. Secondly 'RPS problems' (Whether they be the blind descisionmaking problem or the hard counter problem) are always going to exist here as long as the descisions between comm options are meaningful.

I think it could probably be worth decreasing the early RPS with comms by thinking hard about the difference between the chasis and weapons at level 0. For example, the difference between a pew pew support comm and a rocket riot comm is pretty stark.

In Multiplayer B253233 4 on Avalanche-v2 you can see what sort of a difference this makes. There are other factors at play here (It was somewhat 2v1 in mid and Rocko/Slasher is hard to beat) but a rocket comm will ripp a level 0 support comm apart.

If we do want to make comm choices viable (Rather than returning to a single meta as support e-cell was, which is fine) for 1v1 I think we need to reign in chassis and weapon difference at early levels, and have things branch more later.
+4 / -0

10 years ago
I agree, but think what I described achieves those goals. I suspect the problem comes from me not doing a full right up of all involved numbers.

I agree where the issues are.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
a full right up

Did you mean write up? I'm sort of confused here...
+0 / -0
10 years ago
my 2 cents:
the problem is for all intents and purposes the commander starts off more as an assault class (albeit weakly) ie: low damage, but moderate health compared to other units

I think the best way of fixing that would simply be to switch it's weapon to a more riot based weapon, or skirmisher based weapon.

but I do agree though... the primary benefit of having a commander to start off in almost every game that does so, is to make an early rush on the players main base harder... but when you can kill there com with just 4 units... it doesn't really work.

on the flip side to that, however, one could argue it -does- work as you have to build up at least the 3 or 4 units first, giving the opponent time to build some units of there own (counters or defenses if scouted properly)

so idk...
+0 / -0
As much as I love coms I'd like to see anything above tier 2-3 removed since their obviously not meant to be useful in a similar skill settings and team mates keep throwing games cause they want to 'trollcom'. So.. make them cost effective or remove them >.< Hell maybe just leave only the first upgrade.

High level coms just make the counter fac for the opponent pretty much free due to its cost effectiveness.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Agree with AUrankAdminSaktoth - making comms start near-identical (if not fully identical) and then diverge as they level up seems like the best approach.

Still, imho the Recon is the biggest "one of these things is not like the others" at L0.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
because of it's jump jets, which not only allow it dodge fire, but also traverse terrain not normally accessible to any other commander.
which is what jump jets do.

I think the problem with -that- is just the lack of any other commander having nearly as unique an ability starting out.

for example, what if we had commanders starting with different abilities, like:
recon: jump jets
battle: AA rocket
strike: emp gun? more armour? aoe attack? idk...
support: lazarus
siege: radar
but other then that, at lvl 0, be identical (well, that and starting guns, obviously)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Should be a chassis unique level 1 module imo.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I am opposed to aim #3. This links factories to commanders and limits your forces to being active in one location. For example when Spiders lacked ordinary riot your commander had to be present with your early forces to kill off the stunned units. At least this role could be filled by many commander types.

I should also state a rule of thumb that I have been using for early commander interactions. It is reasonable for around 400 cost in units to kill off a lone level 1 commander. That is about 3 Scorchers or 6 Glaives.
+0 / -0