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comnapping and urchins

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if I might add:
transports able to pick up enemy units, then the unit stops firing whatsoever like as though it doesn't know it's on an enemy transport.
this should either -require- the unit be emped before picking up, (as then it's actually disabled, not just standing still) or it takes damage when doing so (enemy unit fighting back).

urchins can be built on land.
1: it makes a torpedo launcher untargettable by torpedo launchers. this doesn't even make sense as torpedos would need to be -in- water to fire.
2: gameplay wise it's broke as well, as this makes urchins completely invincible to all but maybe 2 sea units, including ones that are obviously -supposed- to be a hard counter to them (sniper submarines)

in short, it makes the urchins -completely- overpowered compared to the rest of the sea units available.

-edit: or an even simpler solution... torpedoes launch themselves into the air to hit it, but will very quickly fall back to the ground making there range onto ground -extremely- limited (the same amount it takes an urchins torpedo to fall)


ok, I'm moving this to strategy and tips for one reason: if this is supposed to be intentional, then 1: I want to make sure people are aware of it. and 2: I want to be able to discuss how you get around said things.

1: comnapping: keep moving any unit that gets near the enemy transport, try to have AA nearby, if you can kill it, it's a good 200 metal wreck. they can't kidnap your com if it keeps moving.

2: urchins. as I pointed out, this tactic makes it completely immune to any torpedo attacks whatsoever. which means it's completely immune to any attack from underwater units (submarine and submarine sniper) and the torpedo frigate. the missle cruiser has to get so close that your going to be trading shots with it... and the destroyer -might- have a long enough range?
my question is: if someone decides to porc by making a line of land urchins... what are your options short of changing factories?
and is it really alright to have a strategy so simple as that to be -so- effective, it makes an entire factory full of units 100% useless?

also, with the comnapping... all one would need to do is make a pit, and some dominaters, and they could capture any unit in the game by abusing elevations and emp if they won't stand still.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
+0 / -0
This is all intentional.

+0 / -0
10 years ago
Yea, op units are all intentional. See the last couple years of ZK changelogs.

I think by most players sea balance is considered the worst of the whole game, USrankbanaman. It's probably hard to get it right, maybe that's why so many RTS games avoid sea gameplay altogether.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
you could just switch from sub to ... any ship that shots not torpedos? i recommend crusader, as it outranges the urichin.

+0 / -0

10 years ago
Units cannot fire when transported because otherwise we would have flying Penetrators. A unit cannot be transported if it is moving so simply run your boi.

I don't see how Sniper Subs are obviously the counter to Urchin. Clearly they are not because Urchins can be built on land. Crusader can kill Urchin unless the Urchin player spends a large amount of metal to raise it too high for Crusaders to hit. Typhoon can kill coastal Urchins. If you build an Urchin too far inland it is unable to reach the sea. If you build an Urchin on a high cliff overlooking the sea then that is a map feature (like building a Stardust in a similar position on a land map).
+1 / -0

10 years ago
the problem is after the napp ground laser AA can't fire cuz the ally com is blocking hit volume
+2 / -0
1: to units not being able to shoot - that's why I said have the transport take damage over time. the unit doesn't need to shoot to do that. you could even make the damage over time based on metal cost of tranporter to enemy unit (bigger objects are able to 'struggle' more)
2: I say sniper subs are obviously supposed to counter urchins because they outrange them considerably, which is typical of units designed to take out static defenses.
3: I didn't realize crusaders were able to outrange urchins. that's why I made this thread in this section, so people can find out how to avoid or get around these things.

so after playing around with a bunch of things in the sandbox... I found out 2 interesting things.
1: you can eject walking bombs (like the skuttle) from the vindicator turning it into a makeshift bomber (and with the skuttle... that's 8k worth of dmg) but is really expensive to do so obviously.
and 2: I compared urchins range to units across the board except air... seeing as they fly over everything anyway, and striders... because there striders, if you have those, your not worrying about urchins anymore, and units that can't go into water anyway.
outranges urchins: penetrator, crusader
same range as urchins: grizzly, enforcer
lower range then urchins: skeeter, typhoon, buoy, scrubber, mace, skalpel, archer, halberd
cannot hit urchins on land: hunter, duck, snake, serpent, claymore

so now that I've actually toyed around with things, I can kind of see why you did it that way/ allow it... I didn't realize so few units in the game actually used torpedoes.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
cannot hit urchins on land: hunter, duck, snake, serpent, claymore

Duck and Claymore can actually hit Urchin on land while enjoying immunity, if they approach from land themselves.

This is a bit complicated with Claymore of course, because Claymore is complicated.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
urchins may be powerful against sea but air can still slaughter it.
let's not foget about the fact that Razor's kiss can become burried in the map geometry when an ICBM goes off- it's much harder to kill when that happens.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
A unit cannot be transported if it is moving so simply run your boi.

Und dann...
+0 / -0