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10 years ago
so, I can't really directly quote what was said becuase I don't remember who/when it was said, but basically the point was:
if you uninstalled the game right now, and reinstalled it, and played with only default widgets/settings... how bad would it be?

and it got me thinking...

maybe we should see just what widgets are the most commonly wanted ones/ most common setups people use that have been playing for a long time, and maybe update what the default settings are so it's more in line with how people actually play the game today?

so there is my question:
just what are people using these days? widgets that you turn on/off, settings you change, maybe even favorite hotkey setups?
+0 / -0
Well, we've been through this before in a previous thread on UI, but you're basically likely to get me, USrankAdminCarRepairer (who loves his opaque windows and is currently going for SC-style, last I saw), and a couple others posting wildly different UI setups.

That being said, I'll bite:
In terms of UI arrangement, what I show in my casts is how I play(ed at the time), though I don't show resource bars, core selector or facpanel when spectating, and I hide playerlist when playing 1v1.

My main deviations from default
for widgets: Outline, Blurryhalo selections, Bloom, Deluxe Player List

for settings:
- COFC has smoothscrolling off, inverts middle-mouse pan direction (so it is like you are grabbing the map and moving it), and is at 70° FOV (mainly to accentuate hills so the slope is easier to make out).
- Autogroup has everything but "Preserve Autogroups" on. Show All Commands is on "Selected Units, All with SHIFT" and "Include ally selections" on.
- Map Edge Extension has Curvature and Realistic Texture on, and Edge Fog off (since the more recent versions have vertex fading).
- Minimap has buttons off. LMB moves camera always (new setting in SVN).
- DarkHive is my theme.

for hotkeys:
Broadly speaking, I've crammed all command hotkeys into the first 6 columns of the keyboard, with the remaining keys used for unit AI state change commands.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
Agree with Shadowfury's settings except for: I like minimap buttons because they're little and cool. Dislike outline because it makes models look like sprites (he feels ZK isn't going for photo-realism so it's a good thing).

Below is my current setup. SC style having minimap on bottom left, commands (the widget is called Keyboard Menu) on bottom right, selections and miscellaneous in the center. New "pro console" window has decaying chat allowing it to be towards the center of the screen. Deviating from SC (and other games) by placing resource bars down low. The menu is at the top but hitting esc provides clear blue skies (ahhhhh). Playerlist is big and bulky on the left and is the only thing I don't completely like, but it's too hard not to have it.

+0 / -0
he feels ZK isn't going for photo-realism so it's a good thing

To clarify, I think that ZK will have an easier time looking "good" by keeping expectations of new players away from photo-realism, given our budget; though I'm starting to doubt this given DErankCaptainBenz's recent work on the Thug. Also, I find outline makes it far easier to differentiate units from terrain at even moderate zoom distances (~100).
+1 / -0
10 years ago
first off, sorry, I had checked a few different sections to make sure I wasn't posting something already discussed and didn't see anything.

anyway, that's prfectly fine, I figured there would be several different styles of settings since people have different tastes in what they like. what I'm looking for (among other things) is the things that people tend to use more often then not... which I can't know unless I know what people use :/

though to be perfectly honest, given ZeroK's unique ability to be flexible, it might be best in the long run for someone to make a couple different basic styles of the UI that when first setting up the game (or when on home page) one could choose from, then can optimize it further himself. but that obviously is up to the people who actually develop the game itself.

but anyway, I'm going to see if I can't find that thread you referenced, I know how tiresome it can be to answer the same question repeatedly.

also: carrepairer that defenitely still looks a lot cleaner looking then what mine looks like right now, that's for sure :/
+0 / -0

10 years ago
The threads are here for interface element positioning and here for broader high-level UI discussion.

However, a thread to simply compile what players use, rather than arguments for what should be used, is new AFAIK.

I've suggested the themes list before, and it's not been a popular idea, and is understandably low priority. Should Greenlight go through, then this sort of thing would be more likely prioritized.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
As far as non Ctrl F11 stuff goes, these should be default on:
* factoryspotter
* gui_vertlineaid
+1 / -0

10 years ago
What is factoryspotter? I don't see that in the ZK SVN anywhere.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Oh, I thought it was already part of the mod. See Factory marker widget.
+0 / -0