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Repair Rate calculation?

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10 years ago
What is the repair rate calculation?
Is universally flat [i.e. (HP/second)/(Energy/second)] across all units?
Is it different values for each unit relative to their metal cost? [i.e. Repair(HP/s)=(Metal%/some value)]
+0 / -0
Repair rate is 2*BP*HP/cost, this decreases to 0.5*BP*HP/cost in combat, ie. when the unit getting repaired gets damaged by an enemy unit and for 10s after (BP contributors' combat status does not matter - they still add BP normally when themselves under fire). The total energy cost for 100% repair is half the unit's original cost, so the energy drain per second is equal to BP. Repair does not cost metal. Status effects (slow, EMP and disarm) affect repairers' repair speed, but not the repairee. Repair decloaks the repairers, but not the repairee. Units cannot use BP to repair themselves.

That means given equal BP, repair rate in HP/s among different units is proportional to their HP/cost and repair time is proportional to cost.

This is for repair through buildpower. There is also passive autorepair that happens automatically out of combat, and some units have passive combat self-repair on top of that. The default out of combat autorepair is 5 HP/s after 60 seconds out of combat. Stun through EMP disables this repair (and the out-of-combat timer does not count down while EMPed), but slow and disarm don't. Some units differ there and have it have it kick in faster and more potent:
Banshee - 10 HP/s after 5s
Glaive - 20 HP/s after 5s
Scythe, most Chicken - 20 HP/s after 10s
Kodachi - 10 HP/s after 1.66s (yes, that's almost instantly)
Claw - 10 HP/s after 10s
Commanders with Autorepair modules - 20 HP/s per Autorepair Module after 10s

Some units have permanent in-combat passive self-repair. Again, EMP stops it, slow and disarm don't.
Commanders - 5 HP/s
Strike Comms: 5 / 5 / 12.5 / 20 / 27.5 / 35 HP/s
Ultimatum - 5 HP/s
Athena - 20 HP/s
Detriment - 30 HP/s
Funnelweb - 20 HP/s

Amphs also have passive self-repair underwater, based on depth. This increases linearly with depth up to a per-unittype limit and is based on the seabed depth and not unit's current depth (ie. floaters benefit from it fully as if they weren't floating). Both EMP and Disarm disable this type of self-repair and Slow decreases it.
Conch: up to 10 HP/s at 40 depth
Duck: up to 5 HP/s at 40 depth
Archer: up to 40 HP/s at 40 depth
Buoy: up to 60 HP/s 30 depth
Scallop: up to 10 HP/s at 40 depth
Grizzly: up to 40 HP/s at 40 depth
Angler: up to 20 HP/s at 40 depth
Djinn: up to 30 HP/s at 40 depth

Finally, Gauss turret has 20 HP/s regeneration as long as it is closed.

All those repair types stack.
+13 / -0

10 years ago
Shit PLrankAdminSprung that is a comprehensive response.

Should turn this into a wiki help page.
+4 / -0

10 years ago
Are players supposed to know all that and take it into account when playing??
+0 / -0

10 years ago
No. The tl;dr vesion is "based on HP/cost, faster when out of combat".
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Of course, CHrankConnetable!

Nah, it should definitely be changed to be easier to remember. The first quote full of exceptions should all be the same hp/s (eg 10) after x seconds (eg 10). Same goes for permanent in-combet passive self-repair. Next, such special non-activatable abilities should be displayed as little icons in unit tooltips, in the command window, or some other place.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Wow looks like amph regen is in need of a hit from the standardization hammer, these values are completely arbitrary and hidden.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
The first quote full of exceptions should all be the same hp/s (eg 10) after x seconds (eg 10)

Like I said, all units not present there repair at 5 HP/s after 60s. The big group (starting with Tick) that has it start after 20s is simply due to not having the idletime defined and using engine default. Detriment's autorepair is actually out of combat repair with 0 timer. Vindicator and Claw are probably some legacy which would be ok to remove.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Many of those auto repair stats are due to copypasta unitdefs. Banshee, Glaive, Scythe and Kodachi have this fast out of combat autorepair applied as a feature of the unit. The Claw autorepair makes a lot of sense given the way minefields are laid.

Commander slow auto repair was intentional but it becomes a bit broken with the autorepair module. That fast repair should probably activate after some time like Glaive.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
wait det has massive autorepair...
+1 / -0
PLrankAdminSprung - Repair rate is 2*BP*HP/cost

Please clarify which one this is describing:


Edit: GBrankKyubey is right, they are the same thing.
+0 / -0
10 years ago

those are exactly the same thing
+2 / -0

10 years ago
If it helps you visualise it better, it's good to group it up as 2*BP*(HP/cost) though, as (HP/cost) is constant for each unit of the same type and tend to be similar among a role.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Amphs also have passive self-repair underwater, based on depth. This increases linearly with depth

So I can dig dig dig a big big hole and my ampbs will self-repair very very rapidly?
+0 / -0
No, look at the list. There is a limit; Buoy maxes out at 30 depth, all others at 40. I'll clarify the main post.

Edit: the next version, the idle autoheal will have been somewhat more standarized and some behaviours fixed. The main post now contains future stats. List of stuff that still exists until then:
- slow does not affect Amph water regen
- slowed cons get their repair speed permanently halved
- Tick, Hacksaw, Athena, BlackDawn, Stardust, Faraday, Razor, Newton, Gull, Viper, and Firefly have 20s idle regen time
- Vindicator has 100s idle regen time
- Detriment has no idle regen
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Detriment has no idle regen but massive regen otherwise?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Currently yes, it has 30 HP/s regen all the time. In next version it will also benefit from the standard 5 HP/s idle regen (making it 30 in combat, and 35 out of combat).
+0 / -0

10 years ago
You can stack combat regen and idle regen? If that is the case why don't autorepair modules have 5s idle regen stacked on top of the standard commander 5 hp/s?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I did that once and you reverted it.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
+0 / -0
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