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1 unit


Maintained by AUrankSmokeDragon
Last updated 2 months ago
Created 2 months ago
download JSON metadata of 1_unit

currently broken

make ai only able to make a random unit... gives ai a huge eco boost so they can spam horde of the unit.

tried to edit chickens to do this with bizzare results


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currently broken

make ai only able to make a random unit... gives ai a huge eco boost so they can spam horde of the unit.

tried to edit chickens to do this with bizzare results

+0 / -0
need to rest will be finished later

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phew.. after 4 days work.. tracking down bugs

finally finished it.. got to catch a plane tomorrow so i hope i can test it before i go

whats this mode do?... it forces the ai to make only 1 random combat unit.. eg hundreds of blastwings...

but the main player is not forced and can freely escape the box
+0 / -0
2 months ago
ai wont make units so i changed this mode into a single unit mod..

you start with 1 random unit and must survive until you can build striderhub
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