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I wonder

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Post edit history
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10/25/2014 9:43:35 PMunknownrankShaman before revert after revert
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1 [quote]Skasi: I saw the Facebook box on Zerok page and it was full of guys. [/quote] 1 [quote]Skasi: I saw the Facebook box on Zerok page and it was full of guys. [/quote]
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3 Not everyone who plays zero=k uses facebook. 3 Not everyone who plays zero=k uses facebook. To base a theory on such an incomplete data source is kind of silly. Statistically speaking, 51% of internet users are female, therefore it is safe to assume that there is at least some females who play zero-k. The "All male" stereotype is wrong as there are some people who like to pretend they are the other gender over the internet ( for trolling or avoiding bigots, whichever) . Just remember: you can't verify who's on the other end of the monitor. They could be an extra-terrestrial for all you know.
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5 [img]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_S0f-AWxKVdM/SlnBDIr_W2I/AAAAAAAAKfs/V5yd6sThlTY/alien-internet%5B5%5D.jpg?imgmax=800[/img]