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On pluking

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/3/2015 7:55:05 PMunknownrankShaman before revert after revert
1/3/2015 7:53:05 PMunknownrankShaman before revert after revert
1/3/2015 7:51:31 PMunknownrankShaman before revert after revert
Before After
1 Let me tell you about how much I [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EddX9hnhDS4]HATE[/url] being high elo. 1 Let me tell you about how much I [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EddX9hnhDS4]HATE[/url] being high elo.
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3 Being high elo sucks. No, that's an understatement. It [b][size=6][u]fucking sucks[/size][/b][/u]. Carrying a team is hard work for little pay off and its made even less fun by ingrates who cry at every [url=http://zero-k.info/Users/LobbyDetail/110645]minute[/url] mistake. Some of us want to actually have fun you know. Its not like we have [url=http://zero-k.info/Clans/Detail/465]clan stacks[/url], low enough elo to enjoy the game (around 1300 is when you can enjoy all the fun of "pluking" without any of the raging done by other people who can't/won't play at higher elos).), or any sort of gratitude. We don't get a "hey thanks for carrying the team for us, you were great!" or even a good job most of the time. There's no incentive to play optimally when all it brings is stress and raging when a strategy doesn't pay off. Oh big deal we get more elo (more useless players? no thanks, thats an incentive to play sub-optimally). 3 Being high elo sucks. No, that's an understatement. It [b][size=6][u]fucking sucks[/size][/b][/u]. Carrying a team is hard work for little pay off and its made even less fun by ingrates who cry at every [url=http://zero-k.info/Users/LobbyDetail/110645]minute[/url] mistake. Some of us want to actually have fun you know. Its not like we have [url=http://zero-k.info/Clans/Detail/465]clan stacks[/url], low enough elo to enjoy the game (around 1300 is when you can enjoy all the fun of "pluking" without any of the raging done by other people who can't/won't play at higher elos).), or any sort of gratitude. We don't get a "hey thanks for carrying the team for us, you were great!" or even a good job most of the time. There's no incentive to play optimally when all it brings is stress and raging when a strategy doesn't pay off. Oh big deal we get more elo (more useless players? no thanks, thats an incentive to play sub-optimally).
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5 Point 2: Lesser skilled players do not listen. 5 Point 2: Lesser skilled players do not listen.
6 When we try to tell you how to play optimally, you don't listen. We give suggestions on how to change the current situation, how to counter a strategy, etc. 6 When we try to tell you how to play optimally, you don't listen. We give suggestions on how to change the current situation, how to counter a strategy, etc.
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9 Point 3: Playing optimally isn't fun. 9 Point 3: Playing optimally isn't fun.
10 Why play optimally when you can have more fun trying something risky? What because some less skilled players want to win? Why would they want to win? To improve their elo so they can finally join the [url=http://zero-k.info/Ladders]jaded veterans' league[/url] and become part of the problem after a while? 10 Why play optimally when you can have more fun trying something risky? What because some less skilled players want to win? Why would they want to win? To improve their elo so they can finally join the [url=http://zero-k.info/Ladders]jaded veterans' league[/url] and become part of the problem after a while?
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12 If people want a change they should be willing to change the conditions that cause this problem to appear. This is, after all, a social problem, not solvable by technological means (you implement @xivender's idea, you'll only see the issue grow even worse when us 1900+ guys throw games to keep under 1900 or leave altogether). What happens when the top 10% leaves? An already small community will grow only smaller. 12 If people want a change they should be willing to change the conditions that cause this problem to appear. This is, after all, a social problem, not solvable by technological means (you implement @xivender's idea, you'll only see the issue grow even worse when us 1900+ guys throw games to keep under 1900 or leave altogether). What happens when the top 10% leaves? An already small community will grow only smaller.
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15 Fun fact: We are people. We get jaded after a while. We grow tired of playing optimally. Sometimes we want to try something more risky. Maybe you guys want more elo so you can carry more responsibility around on your shoulders and have posts like these come up when you eventually grow tired of having high elo? 15 Fun fact: We are people. We get jaded after a while. We grow tired of playing optimally. Sometimes we want to try something more risky. Maybe you guys want more elo so you can carry more responsibility around on your shoulders and have posts like these come up when you eventually grow tired of having high elo?
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17 If you would like, you can trade me places to see how exactly it feels to be high elo. Role reversal can be awesome! 17 If you would like, you can trade me places to see how exactly it feels to be high elo. Role reversal can be awesome!
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19 TL;DR version: 19 TL;DR version:
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21 Pluking = social issue. Solve with change in the community. Problem will resolve itself.
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23 High elo = punishment for higher skill in the form of balancing with less skilled/experienced players who don't listen.
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25 Pluking = comes from this as a response in order for us to have fun.