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6/11/2015 10:12:34 AMUSrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng before revert after revert
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1 The difference there is that riots & AA are more effective vs gunshits than planes I suppose. 1 The difference there is that riots & AA are more effective vs gunshits than planes I suppose.
2 \n 2 \n
3 I never felt in the past that Phoenix was a problem vs raids ( most units used in a later game raid are quite resilient, eg. ravagers) but it was a huge problem vs your mex/windgens/cons in the first 5 minutes. 3 I never felt in the past that Phoenix was a problem vs raids ( most units used in a later game raid are quite resilient, eg. ravagers) but it was a huge problem vs your defender/mex/windgens/cons in the first 5 minutes.