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Map Battle for Planet XIV - v03

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
10/23/2015 11:11:33 PMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
10/23/2015 11:05:39 PMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
10/23/2015 11:01:04 PMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
Before After
1 [quote]The hitspheres on the trees you showed are perfectly valid[/quote] 1 [quote]The hitspheres on the trees you showed are perfectly valid[/quote]
2 Which trees? The picture above your post is an example of [i]decent[/i] boxes. I meant this: 2 Which trees? The picture above your post is an example of [i]decent[/i] boxes. I meant this:
3 [img]http://i.imgur.com/Q7sTvDY.png[/img] 3 [img]http://i.imgur.com/Q7sTvDY.png[/img]
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5 [quote]If they include these features in their maps do you REALLY think that they are going to adjust the hitspheres?[/quote] 5 [quote]If they include these features in their maps do you REALLY think that they are going to adjust the hitspheres?[/quote]
6 No, and that's why I think SF sucks for ZK usage: it just spreads its crappy defaults. 6 No, and that's why I think SF sucks for ZK usage: it just spreads its crappy defaults. ( It's perfect for games that don't care about feature resource values but ZK is not such a game. )
7 It wouldn't be a problem if we had quality mappers who could make sure the defs are appropriate for ZK but everyone just mindlessly plasters them around without paying much attention to gameplay ( for the record this is mostly about resource values, hitboxes are fixable SF-side) . 7 It wouldn't be a problem if either SF values worked with ZK right off the bat, or if we had quality mappers who would make sure the defs are appropriate for ZK; but everyone just mindlessly plasters them around without paying much attention to gameplay ( for the record this is mostly about resource values, hitboxes are fixable SF-side) .
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9 [quote]As a result, your argument of hitspheres being a mark against sf is completely bogus.[/quote] 9 [quote]As a result, your argument of hitspheres being a mark against sf is completely bogus.[/quote]
10 Not really? Just because there is no other alternative and nobody wants to improve the quality doesn't mean it's not mediocre (again, the resource values are more important here). 10 Not really? Just because there is no other alternative and nobody wants to improve the quality doesn't mean it's not mediocre (again, the resource values are more important here).
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12 [quote]WHY in almighty tits would someone want to have to recreate hundreds of defs???[/quote] 12 [quote]WHY in almighty tits would someone want to have to recreate hundreds of defs???[/quote]
13 Have you read my post? Someone might want to have the features provide gameplay value. Because you get the superb models, SF is actually the best possible choice for someone willing to override the defs -- but no mapper ever does that. 13 Have you read my post? Someone might want to have the features provide gameplay value. Because you get the superb models, SF is actually the best possible choice for someone willing to override the defs -- but no mapper ever does that.
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15 [quote]"a few features aren't perfect so omfg we better start ALL over!", and it's stupid, especially when it can be fixed with defs ffs[/quote] 15 [quote]"a few features aren't perfect so omfg we better start ALL over!", and it's stupid, especially when it can be fixed with defs ffs[/quote]
16 Not "a few". Almost none of them have resourcing that makes sense for ZK ( especially now that most of them have 0 value) . And even though it [i]can[/b] be fixed with defs, it never actually is. 16 Not "a few". Almost none of them have resourcing that makes sense for ZK ( especially now that most of them have 0 value) . And even though it can be fixed with defs, it never actually is.
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18 [quote]You think people should have to recreate a def each time? Are you nuts? Do you have any idea how long that would take???[/quote] 18 [quote]You think people should have to recreate a def each time? Are you nuts? Do you have any idea how long that would take???[/quote]
19 Why "each time"? Any def needs to have its values changed to something ZK-sensible just once and can then be copied. 19 Why "each time"? Any def needs to have its values changed to something ZK-sensible just once and can then be copied.
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21 The time it would take is like 15s per feature, not sure why you consider editing 3 values in a text file difficult (especially since you can do that in batch too). 21 The time it would take is like 15s per feature, not sure why you consider editing 3 values in a text file difficult (especially since you can do that in batch too).
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23 [quote]This conversation should be about how you want to help[/quote] 23 [quote]This conversation should be about how you want to help[/quote]
24 I could provide stuff but the problem with SF is its design. Highest quality comes from things made with a specific purpose in mind. SF does not do that, being designed to be compatible with every game. Some things can be fixed universally (like hitbox) but some can't (resources). 24 I could provide stuff but the problem with SF is its design. Highest quality comes from things made with a specific purpose in mind. SF does not do that, being designed to be compatible with every game. Some things can be fixed universally (like hitbox) but some can't (resources).
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26 Would you be willing to have SF featuredefs values (in particular, the metal/energy/health) kept tailored specifically for ZK? 26 Would you be willing to have SF featuredefs values (in particular, the metal/energy/health) kept tailored specifically for ZK?
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28 As I understand, SF is supposed to be inter-game so making the values specifically target ZK sounds like going against one of its principles. But, the values have to be set to [i]something[/i] so making them work for ZK doesn't seem to have any cost associated with it. 28 As I understand, SF is supposed to be inter-game so making the values specifically target ZK sounds like going against one of its principles. But, the values have to be set to [i]something[/i] so making them work for ZK doesn't seem to have any cost associated with it.
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30 If so, I'd be willing to provide maintenance help and actively encourage SF. 30 If so, I'd be willing to provide maintenance help and actively encourage SF.