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math bork

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/28/2016 7:50:18 PMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
2/28/2016 7:05:39 PMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
2/28/2016 7:05:15 PMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
2/28/2016 7:04:55 PMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
2/28/2016 6:58:49 PMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
2/28/2016 6:56:34 PMCHrankAdminDeinFreund before revert after revert
Before After
1 [quote] 1 [quote]
2 So our team Elo is bork and should first convert to some sort of log function before the linear average. 2 So our team Elo is bork and should first convert to some sort of log function before the linear average.
3 [/quote] 3 [/quote]
4 \n 4 \n
5 Not exactly sure what you mean by this, but if you want X + X vs (X - 120) + (X + 120) to result in 4:5, we'd just have to use your formula: 5 Not exactly sure what you mean by this, but if you want X + X vs (X - 120) + (X + 120) to result in 4:5, we'd just have to use your formula:
6 {{{playerstrength=2^(ELO/120)}}} 6 {{{playerstrength=2^(ELO/120)}}}
7 This is the same as comparing players to a theoretical 1 elo player. The linear averages would then be off by this factor of 1.25. 7 This is the same as comparing players to a theoretical 1 elo player. The linear averages would then be off by this factor of 1.25.
8 \n 8 \n
9 One thing current balance theoretically allows is a <0 strength player. As far as I interpret this, it would mean a player whose metal would better be discarded than given to him. The exponential function wouldn't allow for this. 9 One thing current balance theoretically allows is a <0 strength player. The exponential function wouldn't allow for this.
10 \n 10 \n
11 Forum broken, here's a closing bracket to fix it: > 11 Forum broken, here's a closing bracket to fix it: >