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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
10/5/2016 9:42:14 AMUSrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng before revert after revert
Before After
1 [quote]The degenerate mode was when people would reinvest and stack energy sources, recursively taking over an undue part of team's income[/quote] 1 [quote]The degenerate mode was when people would reinvest and stack energy sources, recursively taking over an undue part of team's income[/quote]
2 \n 2 \n
3 [Repressed memories of sfire's 10+ strong singu farms on Nuclear winter whilst the team have +12 income each and steadily losing ground] 3 [Repressed memories of sfire's 10+ strong singu farms on Nuclear winter whilst the team have like +16 income each and steadily losing ground]