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The Zero-K UI

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
11/12/2016 7:45:22 PMCArankAdminShadowfury333 before revert after revert
11/12/2016 7:45:14 PMCArankAdminShadowfury333 before revert after revert
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1 Those widgets seem pretty sensible, though I would also make Spectator Panels default on and have the Economy panel default to not show when spectating. Some adjustments would need to be made for FFA [color=grey]( we don't have an FFA info panel besides the player lists) [/color], but for the team game and 1v1 scenarios it would work well. 1 Those widgets seem pretty sensible, though I would also make Spectator Panels default on and have the Economy panel default to not show when spectating. Some adjustments would need to be made for FFA [color=gray]( we don't have an FFA info panel besides the player lists) [/color], but for the team game and 1v1 scenarios it would work well.
2 \n 2 \n
3 I'm also in favour of Outlines being default [color=grey]( though GoogleFrog's scaling option should probably be on by default to avoid the effect being overwhelming) [/color], since that effect helps a ton in differentiating units from terrain, regardless of map colours. 3 I'm also in favour of Outlines being default [color=gray]( though GoogleFrog's scaling option should probably be on by default to avoid the effect being overwhelming) [/color], since that effect helps a ton in differentiating units from terrain, regardless of map colours.