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Map Aetherian Void 1.41

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11/24/2017 1:55:25 AMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
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1 [quote]Is setting dynamic water even supported by chobby?[/quote] 1 [quote]Is setting dynamic water even supported by chobby?[/quote]
2 ZK's F10 menu currently offers dynamic. Removing it from the list can be considered but a map probably shouldn't crash this way regardless. 2 ZK's F10 menu currently offers dynamic. Removing it from the list can be considered but a map probably shouldn't crash this way regardless.
3 \n
4 [quote]I'm tempted to suggest dynamic/basic water removal as well.[/quote]
5 [url=https://github.com/spring/spring/commit/77f551dc6b661a20ee307f2eaf69959d655d0b2f]Basic water is already gone for 105[/url] but looks like dynamic stays for now.