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Unlocking units

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
5/25/2018 2:09:52 PMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
5/25/2018 2:09:33 PMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
5/25/2018 1:58:45 PMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
Before After
1 My first MP game of ZK was when ZK still had unlocks for superweapons. My opponent just sat in a corner of his map building a perfect set of DDM, Lucifer and aspis defense around his little corner, while I expanded onto the rest of the map. He overdriven his mexes to the max with singus (I didn't have fusion or singu unlocked naturally) and then he just built superweapons to kill me. After 60 minutes I just resigned because this was nothing like Zero-K I've hear about and I almost quit it completely back then. 1 My first MP game of ZK was when ZK still had unlocks for superweapons. My opponent just sat in a corner of his map building a perfect set of DDM, Lucifer and aspis defense around his little corner, while I expanded onto the rest of the map. He overdriven his mexes to the max with singus (I didn't have fusion or singu unlocked naturally) and then he just built superweapons to kill me. After 60 minutes I just resigned because this was nothing like Zero-K I've hear about and I almost quit it completely back then.
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3 Thats why 5 years later I still advocate against artificial restraints in terms of units. They simply don't work in RTS games and almost made me quit the game that I'm so passionate about. 3 Thats why 5 years later I still advocate against artificial restraints in terms of units. They simply don't work in RTS games and almost made me quit the game that I'm so passionate about.
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5 I would much rather be able to play with the big toys on game 1 than having to play an arbitrary amount of time. 5 I would much rather be able to play with the big toys on game 1 than having to play an arbitrary amount of time.
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7 Also Zero-K playerbase has been decreasing ever since the Steam release and is a completely natural process of a released game. 7 Also Zero-K playerbase has been decreasing ever since the Steam release and is a completely natural process of a released game.
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9 [img]https://imgur. com/2d5aO52[/img] 9 [img]https://i. imgur. com/2d5aO52. jpg[/img]