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5/25/2018 4:00:31 PMDErankkatastrophe before revert after revert
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1 I learned this game at a time when no campain was there at all. If players are passionate about the game, they 1 I learned this game at a time when no campain was there at all. If players are passionate about the game, they
2 will learn it by asking other players, reading wikis and stuff and so on. Most of the people you described are the kind 2 will learn it by asking other players, reading wikis and stuff and so on. Most of the people you described are the kind
3 of guys that want to relax. For them, the only important thing is to beat the ai while not putting too much efford in. It´s the same than with the pevious thread of cerevox. why learn more and put more energy and stress into it if you can already pwn the CAI daily? 3 of guys that want to relax. For them, the only important thing is to beat the ai while not putting too much efford in. It´s the same than with the pevious thread of cerevox. why learn more and put more energy and stress into it if you can already pwn the CAI daily? People just find different things fun in this game. Some want to relax, others want to compete and try hard, others want to experiment, other want to. . . well. . . troll, anyway.