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1v1 Map idea

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
12/6/2018 5:00:02 PMGBrankPRO_Dregs before revert after revert
Before After
1 Manu, middle mex on spike not sure - just a good amount of metal.... Like 5? I don't know this one. 1 Manu, middle mex on spike not sure - just a good amount of metal.... Like 5? I don't know this one.
2 Low ground should probably have 3 mex spots per side with maybe 3 metal each? 2 Low ground should probably have 3 mex spots per side with maybe 3 metal each?
3 High ground should have the same but only 2 spots per side perhaps. 3 High ground should have the same but only 2 spots per side perhaps.
4 \n 4 \n
5 (We can balance the metal distribution after playtesting)
6 \n
5 Fealthas, not worried about safe zone issue because the metal back there is going to be a bit more limited. Access to it means a more predictable start or waiting until second factory. 7 Fealthas, not worried about safe zone issue because the metal back there is going to be a bit more limited. Access to it means a more predictable start or waiting until second factory.