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Post edit history

Mods and Admins, what do?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
12/25/2018 6:23:02 AMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
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1 Elo is not a requirement. The reason most admins have high Elo is because investing a lot of time into the community tends to naturally go together with getting better at playing the game. 1 Rating ( aka Elo) is not a requirement. The reason most admins have high rating is because investing a lot of time into the community tends to naturally go together with getting better at playing the game.
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3 [spoiler][url=http://zero-k. info/Charts/Ratings?RatingCategory=1&From=12%2F24%2F2008+12%3A00%3A00+AM&To=12%2F24%2F2018+12%3A00%3A00+AM&UserId=232028&UserId=4665&UserId=60947&UserId=78532]also i have 2284 elo, just decayed due to afk[/url][/spoiler] 3 [spoiler][url=http://zero-k. info/Charts/Ratings?RatingCategory=1&From=12%2F24%2F2008+12%3A00%3A00+AM&To=12%2F24%2F2018+12%3A00%3A00+AM&UserId=232028&UserId=4665&UserId=60947&UserId=78532]also i have 2284 rating, just decayed due to afk[/url][/spoiler]