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B747563 9 on Fields_Of_Isis (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/20/2019 11:51:08 AMFirepluk before revert after revert
7/20/2019 11:50:34 AMFirepluk before revert after revert
Before After
1 Used to have this issue years ago a lot - now never(switched to fiber optics). 1 Used to have this issue years ago a lot - now never(switched to fiber optics).
2 Probably has to do with asymmetrical ADSL or satellite channels, in both of those cases you can have upstream down while downstream is ok 2 Probably has to do with asymmetrical ADSL or satellite channels, in both of those cases you can have upstream down while downstream is ok which basically turns zk playthrough in a movie