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It's fairly easy to retreat back behind AA, but yes, fighters are much better vs Licho's than other AA. Lichos are really best used defensively in the late game when there is a lot of AA everywhere and there are large roaming bands of assault units, when firestorms become ineffective due to their low HP and relatively low damage vs assaults. In this situation, they can stay close to your own AA and are not vulnerable to fighters: Just ensure your repair pad has some AA near it.
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It's fairly easy to retreat back behind AA, but yes, fighters are much better vs Licho's than other AA. Lichos are really best used defensively in the late game when there is a lot of AA everywhere and there are large roaming bands of assault units, when firestorms become ineffective due to their low HP and relatively low damage vs assaults. In this situation, they can stay close to your own AA and are not vulnerable to fighters: Just ensure your repair pad has some AA near it.