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Widgets vs Cheating

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
4/15/2020 11:37:43 AMGBrankPRO_rANDY before revert after revert
4/15/2020 11:37:17 AMGBrankPRO_rANDY before revert after revert
4/15/2020 11:36:44 AMGBrankPRO_rANDY before revert after revert
Before After
1 Not wanting to dwell on specifics too much, that suggested Lance change is something that I believe would [i]remove[/i] strategical options from players, which seems to be the opposite of why a lot of people want more automation ( giving more time for strategical decision making) . Someone building fleas to distract enemy high-damage-single-shot units should be rewarded, and the Lance player already has a solution available which is to set his unit to hold fire then target what he wants to kill. 1 Not wanting to dwell on specifics too much, that suggested Lance change is something that I believe would [i]remove[/i] strategical options from players, which seems to be the opposite of why a lot of people want more automation ( giving more time for strategical decision making) . Someone building fleas to distract enemy high-damage-single-shot units should be rewarded, and the Lance player already has a perfectly good solution available which is to set his unit to hold fire then target what he wants to kill.