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Widgets vs Cheating

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Date Editor Before After
4/15/2020 1:14:40 PMAUrankAdminGoogleFrog before revert after revert
4/15/2020 1:13:59 PMAUrankAdminGoogleFrog before revert after revert
4/15/2020 1:13:41 PMAUrankAdminGoogleFrog before revert after revert
4/15/2020 1:13:14 PMAUrankAdminGoogleFrog before revert after revert
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1 [q]This reads a bit like you are trying to defend your competitive advantage you hold due to higher APM (and/or good hotkey usage). I think that's antithetical to the ZK philosophy of reducing micromanagement burden. 1 [q]This reads a bit like you are trying to defend your competitive advantage you hold due to higher APM (and/or good hotkey usage). I think that's antithetical to the ZK philosophy of reducing micromanagement burden.
2 Why exactly should a particular play be rewarded?[/q] 2 Why exactly should a particular play be rewarded?[/q]
3 Reducing micromanagement burden is not quite a central philosophy of ZK. It would be a very different game if it was. Something closer to what you are trying to get at could be the philosophy of removing non-decisions. 3 Reducing micromanagement burden is not quite a central philosophy of ZK. It would be a very different game if it was. Something closer to what you are trying to get at could be the philosophy of removing non-decisions.
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5 [q]Eh? 5 [q]Eh?
6 Are you using discoverability as your criteria for what counts as a "cheating" widget? Because the widget list is way more discoverable that things like circle guard, fire-once and pressing "B" to sink buildings.[/q] 6 Are you using discoverability as your criteria for what counts as a "cheating" widget? Because the widget list is way more discoverable that things like circle guard, fire-once and pressing "B" to sink buildings.[/q]
7 I did not say "cheating" as this topic is much broader. And I did not say discoverability as that is only a part of the issue. I dispute that the widget list is more 'usefully discoverable' or that the widget list is even the same type of thing as something like circle guard. On particulars: 7 I did not say "cheating" as this topic is much broader. And I did not say discoverability as that is only a part of the issue. I dispute that the widget list is more 'usefully discoverable' or that the widget list is even the same type of thing as something like circle guard. On particulars:
8 * Circle Guard is written here: https://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Unit_commands 8 * Circle Guard is written here: https://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Unit_commands
9 * Fire Once should be written here: https://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Unit_commands 9 * Fire Once should be written here: https://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Unit_commands
10 * Pressing "B" to sink buildings is clearly written in the Hotkeys menu. This can be accessed with Simple Settings enabled. Part of the reason for filling out the hotkeys menu is to enhance the discoverability of features like these. 10 * Pressing "B" to sink buildings is clearly written in the Hotkeys menu. This can be accessed with Simple Settings enabled. Part of the reason for filling out the hotkeys menu is to enhance the discoverability of features like these.
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12 The widget menu, on the other hand, is a minefield. It may be technically easier to discover if you happen to press Ctrl+F11 ( otherwise you need to untick Simple Settings and tick Advanced Settings) , but it takes a lot more work to discover how to use it without blowing up your UI. The widgets that are disabled by default are bound to be a bit temperamental and it can be hard to see if they are doing anything at all. The descriptions are not helpful. I assume the followup to the claim 'the widget list is discoverable' will be 'therefore simply putting the current player widgets there fixes fairness' just makes the minefield worse. 12 The widget menu, on the other hand, is a minefield. It may be technically easier to discover if you happen to press Ctrl+F11 ( otherwise you need to untick Simple Settings and tick Advanced Settings) , but it takes a lot more work to discover how to use it without blowing up your UI. The widgets that are disabled by default are bound to be a bit temperamental and it can be hard to see if they are doing anything at all. The descriptions are not helpful. I assume the followup to the claim "the widget list is discoverable" will be "therefore simply putting the current player widgets there fixes fairness", which just makes the minefield worse.
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14 The widget list may as well not exist for this topic simply because if you put a widget there I don't expect very many people to even notice. 14 The widget list may as well not exist for this topic simply because if you put a widget there I don't expect very many people to even notice.