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Clan wars, again?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
5/1/2020 2:51:49 AMunknownrankShaman before revert after revert
5/1/2020 2:24:50 AMunknownrankShaman before revert after revert
Before After
1 I could create the hosts (using tournament controls) to guarantee a set of teams. 1 I could create the hosts (using tournament controls) to guarantee a set of teams.
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3 Mostly need more interested parties. I would appreciate the support behind this initiative, if you're willing to help throw some behind it. I'd suggest talking about it amongst your members and try to come up with a date range you are all able to attend. 3 Mostly need more interested parties. I would appreciate the support behind this initiative, if you're willing to help throw some behind it. I'd suggest talking about it amongst your members and try to come up with a date range you are all able to attend.
4 \n 4 \n
5 There's at least 2-5 of us in @ADVENT who are regulars, and @sprang talked about joining occasionally (if I read correctly). We potentially could create a 6v6, although a potential fear of this is that we lack purple players of our own, although collective intelligence may make up for it. 5 There's at least 2-5 of us in @ADVENT who are regulars, and @sprang talked about joining occasionally (if I read correctly). We potentially could create a 6v6, although a potential fear of this is that we lack purple players of our own, although collective intelligence may make up for it.
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7 I'd like to hear from Mumble Clan, @TheGBC, @LOBSTR, @RSN, and @MEAN. See if we can't create some sort of mini event regarding clans. 7 I'd like to hear from @mc, @TheGBC, @LOBSTR, @RSN, and @MEAN. See if we can't create some sort of mini event regarding clans.
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9 Maybe may 17-19?
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9 [spoiler]As such, I'm willing to drop the personal dispute(s) you and I have at least in favor for a working relationship. I am willing to discuss a more permanent end to those disputes, if you're willing to work on this initiative with me. It is a common goal I'm presuming and as such we need not sabotage it because of some bs that happened months ago.[/spoiler] 11 [spoiler]As such, I'm willing to drop the personal dispute(s) you and I have at least in favor for a working relationship. I am willing to discuss a more permanent end to those disputes, if you're willing to work on this initiative with me. It is a common goal I'm presuming and as such we need not sabotage it because of some bs that happened months ago.[/spoiler]