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5/5/2020 5:18:09 PMUSranknop before revert after revert
5/5/2020 5:16:21 PMUSranknop before revert after revert
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1 People still use nukes, and sometimes they are successful, so what's the problem? 1 People still use nukes, and sometimes they are successful, so what's the problem?
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3 There are counters to Antinuke and counters to those counters. A successful nuke does not guarantee victory, it's still a substantial investment with a fixed time delay, and unless you can get build a Silo in range or for some reason they couldn't defend against Scythe/Widow/Raven you won't be able to hit the backline. 3 There are counters to Antinuke and counters to those counters. A successful nuke does not guarantee victory, it's still a substantial investment with a fixed time delay, and unless you can get build a Silo in range or for some reason they couldn't defend against Scythe/Widow/Raven you won't be able to hit the backline.
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5 The campaign introduces players to these concepts, there is a mission where you nuke things and have to deal with Anti by whatever means you like. 5 The campaign introduces players to these concepts, there is a mission where you nuke things and have to deal with Anti by whatever means you like.
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7 8000 for Trinity and 3240 for one shot is [b]really cheap[/b] for the reach and damage potential. Like most things in ZK, it is practically better on some maps than others, and that is fine. e.g. on a wide map opponent needs at least three Antis for full coverage, now you're even on building cost except you can still snipe armies advancing past Anti coverage and you only need to disable one to get a shot on backline. If you're on something like StormSiege it's really easy to get full Anti coverage and hard to sneak an Anti counter unless you win the ground game. 7 8000 for Trinity and 3240 for one shot is [b]really cheap[/b] for the reach and damage potential. Like most things in ZK, it is practically better on some maps than others, and that is fine. e.g. on a wide map opponent needs at least three Antis for full coverage, now you're even on building cost except you can still snipe armies advancing past Anti coverage and you only need to disable one to get a shot on backline. If you're on something like StormSiege it's really easy to get full Anti coverage and hard to sneak an Anti counter unless you win the ground game.
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9 [q]Antinuke make cost just with one interception.[/q] 9 [q]Antinuke make cost just with one interception.[/q]
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11 Trinity makes cost by nuking one EMPed Anti. 11 Trinity makes cost by nuking one EMPed Anti.
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13 An interesting thing about nukes in team games is that a player playing the Trinity game is playing a different game from everybody else. They need to do little but reclaim, scouting, and siloing to be successful, while everybody else is trying to break robots or play tower defense. 13 An interesting thing about nukes in team games is that a player playing the Trinity game is playing a different game from everybody else. They need to do little but reclaim, scouting, and siloing to be successful, while everybody else is trying to break robots or play tower defense. For opposing team to have proper Anti coverage and defense takes effort from multiple players and it doesn't always happen.