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B1009792 18 on TandemCraters (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
12/17/2020 1:28:02 PMGBrankTechAUmNu before revert after revert
12/17/2020 1:27:22 PMGBrankTechAUmNu before revert after revert
Before After
1 Reclaim is such an intrinsically fundamental part of playing the game that it really needs more emphasis on how much metal is just sitting there. 1 Reclaim is such an intrinsically fundamental part of playing the game that it really needs more emphasis on how much metal is just sitting there.
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3 Most games I am playing ground at least 50% of my income is coming from reclaim, usually because I am the only one reclaiming. 3 Most games I am playing ground at least 50% of my income is coming from reclaim, usually because I am the only one reclaiming.
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5 I see many ground battles where a battle is won, a pile of reclaim is sitting there from both sides, but they pull back their forces and let the losing team take all the reclaim. 5 I see many ground battles where a battle is won, a pile of reclaim is sitting there from both sides, but they pull back their forces and let the losing team take all the reclaim.
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7 Overextending is very dangerous as you will almost always end up feeding the enemy team. 7 Overextending is very dangerous as you will almost always end up feeding the enemy team. ( Unless they don't reclaim the wrecks)
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9 My new pet peeve is turret creep with cloaked impalers and snipers mixed in. For which there is no sensible counter apart from long range arty. 9 My new pet peeve is turret creep with cloaked impalers and snipers mixed in. For which there is no sensible counter apart from long range arty.