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B1047251 29 on Desert Rumble 1.02 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
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2/9/2021 1:22:43 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
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1 [quote]sorry for my late ingame response to the stupid drama.[/quote] 1 [quote]sorry for my late ingame response to the stupid drama.[/quote]
2 I do not really think it is expected of moderators to necessarily perform *any* moderator tasks while they are active players in a game. That being said, if a playing moderator does happen to have the time and wherewithal to deal with something that does not require spectator vision to adjudicate, like outright verbal abuse in allchat, there is no actual *problem* with that either. 2 Just to give people a realistic idea of what to expect, I do not really think it is expected of moderators to necessarily perform *any* moderator tasks while they are active players in a game. That being said, if a playing moderator does happen to have the time and wherewithal to deal with something that does not require spectator vision to adjudicate, like outright verbal abuse in allchat, there is no actual *problem* with that either.