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Anir abusing his admin status, again

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5/29/2021 6:10:38 PMCArankRedEagle_P1 before revert after revert
Before After
1 When people leave FFA they normally don't ruin it for others totally. However, when people make unit-launchers, starlight rushes etc. in team games they really sink the team, especially when 2 or more do it. That is totally allowed in ZeroK. 1 When people leave FFA they normally don't ruin it for others totally. However, when people make unit-launchers, starlight rushes etc. in team games they really sink the team, especially when 2 or more do it. That is totally allowed in ZeroK.
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3 I have health issues and when I gtg, I gtg. There are some things for me which are simply not optional. Sometimes I am close to the end, and sometimes (like last night, where I mentioned I gtg at game start) I am not that close to the end of a game. Like I said, I set my computer to auto-shut-down. I have a real physical life and I don't have the option to stay sometimes, it just happens. 3 I have health issues and when I gtg, I gtg. There are some things for me which are simply not optional. Sometimes I am close to the end, and sometimes (like last night, where I mentioned I gtg at game start) I am not that close to the end of a game. Like I said, I set my computer to auto-shut-down. I have a real physical life and I don't have the option to stay sometimes, it just happens.
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5 https://i.gyazo.com/ce8a7478de4d2075d3f2db63aa04ecaf.png 5 https://i.gyazo.com/ce8a7478de4d2075d3f2db63aa04ecaf.png
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7 Like I have said several times now, I really think admins should not claim other people are cheating, as they are subject to privileged information, and spreading rumors about people as an admin devalues that position and the respect it deserves. 7 Like I have said several times now, I really think admins should not claim other people are cheating, as they are subject to privileged information, and spreading rumors about people as an admin devalues that position and the respect it deserves.
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9 That's what I came to say. 9 That's what I came to say.
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11 Clearly Anir has nothing on me or I would have been banned already. Good luck. 11 Clearly Anir has nothing on me or I would have been banned already.