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Post edit history

Another reminder of the status of the community

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/2/2021 9:35:15 PMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
6/2/2021 9:32:35 PMPLrankAdminSprung before revert after revert
Before After
1 You kept making multiple threads pointing fingers at various perceived problems, but despite ample opportunity you failed to give a single piece of constructive feedback. Anybody who is paying attention is aware of the situation that happened recently and the reddit post you linked is a gross misrepresentation of it. If you wanted to help address this situation you should have posted in one of the threads that already exist about it. Coupled with the fact that you haven't played in 17 months and thus don't have much stake in what's going on, it looks like you are only here to stir drama. 1 You kept making multiple threads pointing fingers at various perceived problems, but despite ample opportunity you failed to give a single piece of constructive feedback. Anybody who is paying attention is aware of the situation that happened recently and the reddit post you linked is a gross misrepresentation of it. If you genuinely wanted to help prevent such situations you could have posted in one of the threads that already exist about it, instead of waiting until it gets resolved only to be able to make a low-effort complaint about it. Coupled with the fact that you haven't played in 17 months and thus don't have much stake in what's going on, it looks like you are only here to stir drama.
2 \n 2 \n
3 Accordingly, @rockingchairrabbit forum-banned for a month (not from the game, feel free to take a look how (non-)toxic the community [b]really[/b] is). 3 Accordingly, @rockingchairrabbit forum-banned for a month (not from the game, feel free to take a look how (non-)toxic the community [b]really[/b] is).
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5 Thread moved to asylum. 5 Thread moved to asylum.