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Lance is absolute cancer in team games

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8/20/2021 10:50:51 AMDErankkatastrophe before revert after revert
8/20/2021 10:50:08 AMDErankkatastrophe before revert after revert
8/20/2021 10:49:40 AMDErankkatastrophe before revert after revert
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1 Some thoughts: 1 Some thoughts:
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3 - Air is somewhat out of the main counter-structure, so I would also classify Likho as a counter to lance, but I don`t think that says much as likho counters soo many things. 3 - Air is somewhat out of the main counter-structure, so I would also classify Likho as a counter to lance, but I don`t think that says much as likho counters soo many things.
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5 - Same with the dirtbag-terrain-deform, just that this is more a hazzle than a counter in most cases. 5 - Same with the dirtbag-terrain-deform, just that this is more a hazzle than a counter in most cases.
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7 - In general I don`t think it is that useful to make an grument like: "Oh, but x counters y." On paper, there are many counters: raider swarms, Scythes, Skuttle, Bombers, Swifts somehow, Napalm Bombers, Ultimatum, Merlin, Behemoth, Lucifer, Impaler, everything that is cloaked. Most of them do on paper, but that doesn`t mean they would be useful in reality. 7 - In general I don`t think it is that useful to make an grument like: "Oh, but x counters y." On paper, there are many counters: raider swarms, Scythes, Skuttle, Bombers, Swifts somehow, Napalm Bombers, Ultimatum, Merlin, Behemoth, Lucifer, Impaler, everything that is cloaked. Most of them do on paper, but that doesn`t mean they would be useful in reality.
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9 - The question is more: Is the interaction with this unit on the recieving end intersting and fun? I personally don`t think lances are too strong in the game as a whole, but playing against them is frustrating in many ways. I am particularily annoyed with lances killing swarms of small units when those happen to run somewhere, lance shoots at the leading unit and the following units run into the beam. 9 - The question is more: Is the interaction with this unit on the recieving end intersting and fun? I personally don`t think lances are too strong in the game as a whole, but playing against them is frustrating in many ways. I am particularily annoyed with lances killing swarms of small units when those happen to run somewhere, lance shoots at the leading unit and the following units run into the beam.
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11 - So for me PERSONALLY: I have the same problem with lance as I basically have with jumpers. I dislike playing against them, I do not enjoy the interaction at all. But I don`t think that has to do with their balance stats-wise, but more the weapon-design. So, IDEALLY I would replace those units with another units. In the case of lance, you would have to come up with something that keeps the original units "charme" ( the stuff @Aquanim put down) but that somehow feels more "fair" to the one playing against it. IDEALLY. I am aware that would require tons of work and is unlikely to happen. 11 - So for me PERSONALLY: I have the same problem with lance as I basically have with jumpers. I dislike playing against them, I do not enjoy the interaction at all. But I don`t think that has to do with their balance stats-wise, but more the weapon-design. So, IDEALLY I would replace those units with other ones. In the case of lance, you would have to come up with something that keeps the original units "charme" ( the stuff @Aquanim put down) but that somehow feels more "fair" to the one playing against it. IDEALLY. I am aware that would require tons of work and is unlikely to happen.
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13 [q] From the teamgames I have watched or played recently (including TinySpider's most recent team game) I do not get the impression that it is a game-defining unit in every team game, or even in every game on a map where it would potentially be practical. [/q] 13 [q] From the teamgames I have watched or played recently (including TinySpider's most recent team game) I do not get the impression that it is a game-defining unit in every team game, or even in every game on a map where it would potentially be practical. [/q]
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15 - I would throw in that there are many games i remember where lances do become a very significant part of a victory. By far not ALL games as you say. But I would say IF they are used in the correct setting, they have a tendency of drifting more towards the "situationaly overpowered" units. 15 - I would throw in that there are many games i remember where lances do become a very significant part of a victory. By far not ALL games as you say. But I would say IF they are used in the correct setting, they have a tendency of drifting more towards the "situationaly overpowered" units.
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