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B1248722 19 on LLTAComplexV2 (Multiplayer)

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11/29/2021 6:26:45 PMRUrankizirayd before revert after revert
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1 I don't understand what's wrong with this match. The game starts with the opposing team attacking immediately, and my team is not interested in anything. Why did you give me two commanders? The whole game must be based on the fact that I must occupy absolutely the entire mid and keep it, and without me it is impossible? How do you imagine it if I have income like all players? Actually, in this match, I occupied the mid lane with two units (crab and cyclops) and stopped the enemy's attack. This is complete shit, all the players do whatever they want, build all kinds of bullshit and so on, but no one fights. They give me a commander, so that I would definitely defend the mid lane acting on wear with my micro or what? What if the opposing team has an extra airplane? He will just fly over and hit me, breaking valuable units for me, how should I resist this? Games with an odd number of players suck. 1 I don't understand what's wrong with this match. The game starts with the opposing team attacking immediately, and my team is not interested in anything. Why did you give me two commanders? The whole game must be based on the fact that I must occupy absolutely the entire mid and keep it, and without me it is impossible? How do you imagine it if I have income like all players? Actually, in this match, I occupied the mid lane with two units (crab and cyclops) and stopped the enemy's attack. This is complete shit, all the players do whatever they want, build all kinds of bullshit and so on, but no one fights. They give me a commander, so that I would definitely defend the mid lane acting on wear with my micro or what? What if the opposing team has an extra airplane? He will just fly over and hit me, breaking valuable units for me, how should I resist this? Games with an odd number of players suck.
2 \n 2 \n
3 Why does the opposing team have one more player with 2200+ Elo? I also want a player who will build 2 singu for me or will fight me in the mid lane, where is my player? 3 Why does the opposing team have one more player with 2200+ Elo? I also want a player who will build 2 singu for me or will fight me in the mid line, where is my player?
4 Zk, Why are you slipping me a useless +1 commander? 4 Zk, Why are you slipping me a useless +1 commander?