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B1261237 8 on TheHunters Redux 1.3 (Multiplayer)

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12/19/2021 7:33:51 PMRUrankizirayd before revert after revert
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1 Literally 2 lost ffa matches cost Godde about 180 metal. I think this is absurd. FFA Elo loss for players with 2750+ Elo is very expensive and not balanced. I was 2800+ for a long time and recently 2800, having recently played a couple of ffa, I dropped to 2700, and while playing for a long time I dropped to 2535 Elo, after playing regular casual matches, I got 2870 Elo back. That is, my ffa rating level is about 2500, and my level of ordinary team games is 2700-2800. 1 Literally 2 lost ffa matches cost Godde about 180 metal. I think this is absurd. FFA Elo loss for players with 2750+ Elo is very expensive and not balanced. I was 2800+ for a long time and recently 2800, having recently played a couple of ffa, I dropped to 2700, and while playing for a long time I dropped to 2535 Elo, after playing regular casual matches, I got 2870 Elo back. That is, my ffa rating level is about 2500, and my level of ordinary team games is 2700-2800.
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3 I believe that the formula for ffa is described with an error and does not correctly calculate the chance of winning when one of the players has 200 points higher elo. Moreover, the events in ffa are very difficult, and a group of players with 2600 Elo can get a strong economy and super weapons, and the difference between who wins, a player with 2800 Elo or 2600 is not there. Already 3 players for 2600+, the one who gets the starlight first, literally with an 80% chance to win, because the starlight breaks the singu instantly and after the broken singu, the combo does not exist. Therefore, trying to predict the winner in ffa is very strange. 3 I believe that the formula for ffa is described with an error and does not correctly calculate the chance of winning when one of the players has 200 points higher elo. Moreover, the events in ffa are very difficult, and a group of players with 2600 Elo can get a strong economy and super weapons, and the difference between who wins, a player with 2800 Elo or 2600 is not there. Already 3 players for 2600+, the one who gets the starlight first, literally with an 80% chance to win, because the starlight breaks the singu instantly and after the broken singu, the combo does not exist. Therefore, trying to predict the winner in ffa is very strange.
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5 5 I am sure that playing ffa and staying at 2900 Elo is super difficult.