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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
12/25/2021 7:52:15 AMRUrankizirayd before revert after revert
Before After
1 [q] 1 [q]
2 but why...? 2 but why...?
3 why dont you want to come back? 3 why dont you want to come back?
4 what happend? 4 what happend?
5 [q/] 5 [/q]
6 \n 6 \n
7 My discussion about the rules of zk and the conduct of moderation has been going on for a very long time, I still cannot forgive the zk administration - a stupid 100-year-old warning to @Firepluk and the fact that they literally kicked him out of the project, why should I put up with it? 7 My discussion about the rules of zk and the conduct of moderation has been going on for a very long time, I still cannot forgive the zk administration - a stupid 100-year-old warning to @Firepluk and the fact that they literally kicked him out of the project, why should I put up with it?
8 \n 8 \n
9 This is a direct continuation of this discussion https://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/237188#237188 and now we get the same thing again. This time Aquanium accidentally invents the time and excuse to block Lu5ck and the reason for the 2 week ban is because @Lu5ck ignores Aquanium. 9 This is a direct continuation of this discussion https://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/237188#237188 and now we get the same thing again. This time Aquanium accidentally invents the time and excuse to block Lu5ck and the reason for the 2 week ban is because @Lu5ck ignores Aquanium.
10 \n 10 \n
11 Further, @Godde stood up for @Lu5ck and, in general, began to express his dissatisfaction with the fact that the zK administration prohibits speaking about the gameplay and conducting discussion. I support him in this. Godde was silenced pretty quickly, wtf? You can read the discord. 11 Further, @Godde stood up for @Lu5ck and, in general, began to express his dissatisfaction with the fact that the zK administration prohibits speaking about the gameplay and conducting discussion. I support him in this. Godde was silenced pretty quickly, wtf? You can read the discord.
12 \n 12 \n
13 [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/538190475023220746/923171767529373706/unknown.png[/img] 13 [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/538190475023220746/923171767529373706/unknown.png[/img]
14 \n 14 \n
15 In any case, @Godde and I made the decision to leave the ZK, that's enough for us, we devoted enough time to this project and we had fun. 15 In any case, @Godde and I made the decision to leave the ZK, that's enough for us, we devoted enough time to this project and we had fun.