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Post edit history

Think for yourself

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
9/7/2022 1:58:39 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
9/7/2022 1:53:31 AMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
Before After
1 [quote]Aquanim, I haven't even posted in the topic and you're already harassing me.[/quote] 1 [quote]Aquanim, I haven't even posted in the topic and you're already harassing me.[/quote]
2 I didn't bring your name into this thread, and I don't see what part of that post you are interpreting as having anything negative to say about you. So if you would like me to understand this accusation, you will need to explain it some more. 2 I didn't bring your name into this thread, and I don't see what part of that post you are interpreting as having anything negative to say about you. The post is barely about you at all, it is a question about how Lightzerve views the world. So if you would like me to understand this accusation, you will need to explain it some more.