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Volcanos and lava

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Post edit history
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1/6/2023 5:55:50 PMDErankkatastrophe before revert after revert
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1 [q] rook.. i hope it all works out [/q] 1 [q] rook.. i hope it all works out [/q]
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3 well quite obviously not. 3 well quite obviously not. Note how the thread got derailed by it`s owners second post already.
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5 [q] being a vegan cyclist i identify myself as a dolphin. [/q]
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7 I guess you are aware that you usually come across as an alt-right that is trying to discredit vegans by performing as a caricature of one...
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10 [q] many gravity guys figured out like halley, that just as there are rings around planets, the planets can be massive rings as well. the hollow earth theory matches nicely the expanding earth observation [/q]
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12 1. Bibliography?
13 2. Why do those opinions have more weight than all the other ones that think this hypothesis is wrong?
14 3. But "the hollow earth theory matches nicely the expanding earth observation" does not match the planetary orbits. That would bring up the question why the current understanding of gravity is so accurate that we can almost perfectly describe the spatial aspects of the observable universe if it was wrong.
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16 Just to be clear: It would be definitely unscientific to say that the hypothesis of an expanding earth is wrong, as it would be to say it is correct. BUT: a HOLLOW earth is very very unlikely, because that would mean all our very well working models of gravity, electromagnetism and the behaviour of waves would be completely wrong. Yes, there are still some things we don`t understand (Quantum-gravity), but we are so far that we can simulate the whole observable universe with our models with very high accuracy.
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18 So, my question would be why an (for now) hypothetical expansion of our planet is a motivation to throw very accurately working models out of the window.
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21 My guess: Either someone desperatly needed attention or simply didn`t care if the content of their papers was solid, main idea was "Shit I have to fulfil a contract and I have nothing else to write about... Ah, lets just do THIS. Its probably BS, but even then, this will feed me.
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