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Mod request: Werewolf

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
8/3/2023 11:50:07 AMDEranktalas before revert after revert
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1 If you want a "super simple" coop traitor game in Zero-K, you only need to make 3 changes from the base game: 1 If you want a "super simple" coop traitor game in Zero-K, you only need to make 3 changes from the base game:
2 - Traitor wins if any single non-traitor com is lost. 2 - Traitor wins if any single non-traitor com is lost.
3 - Others win if traitor com is lost. 3 - Others win if traitor com is lost.
4 - Sudden death is enabled at ~30 minutes or so. 4 - Traitor is revealed at ~30 minutes and Sudden Death starts.
5 \n 5 \n
6 This could be tested with a host sending private messages and declaring a winner afterwards. 6 This could be tested with a host sending private messages and declaring a winner afterwards.
7 You just need to tell players if they are traitors, or not, and end the game correctly. 7 You just need to tell players if they are traitors, or not, and end the game correctly.
8 \n 8 \n
9 Much less interesting than OP, but maybe it can inspire someone? 9 Much less interesting than OP, but maybe it can inspire someone?