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Lance strider

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
9/17/2023 4:11:41 AMPLrankrookstoo before revert after revert
9/17/2023 3:07:23 AMPLrankrookstoo before revert after revert
9/17/2023 2:45:16 AMPLrankrookstoo before revert after revert
Before After
1 So. Imagine this. Spider having a lance cannon, BUT 1 So. Imagine this. Spider having a lance cannon, BUT
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3 This cannon charges as you hold fire. 3 This cannon charges as you hold fire.
4 When it charges it gains damage and range. 4 When it charges it gains damage and range.
5 Starting from LLT range and damage with no charge to double lance damage and cerb range, when fully charged. 5 Starting from LLT range and damage with no charge to double lance damage and cerb range, when fully charged.
6 The charging curve is slightly exponential to promote charging on hold fire. 6 The charging curve is slightly exponential to promote charging on hold fire, but it can go pew pew pew machinegun on low charge but with limited range that it gains when charging.
7 Also as it charges it starts sparking around like the fast riot spider, and as its charged up it has more massive explosion range when killed, like half of big geo range, with a mushroom cloud when killed. 7 Also as it charges it starts sparking around like the fast riot spider, and as its charged up it has more massive explosion range when killed, like half of big geo range, with a mushroom cloud when killed.
8 Hp of 3 lances. 8 Hp of 3 lances.
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10 Watcha think? 10 Watcha think?