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Lance strider

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9/17/2023 11:05:36 AMAUrankStuff before revert after revert
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1 Note that cereb is 2.5k, less than every strider but athena and ulti. the heavies non strider arty, tremor, is 1.6k, and 2 lances is 2k. there isn't really much space between traditional arty and cereb that you can fit in a strider 1 Note that cereb is 2.5k, less than every strider but athena and ulti. the heavies non strider arty, tremor, is 1.6k, and 2 lances is 2k. there isn't really much space between traditional arty and cereb that you can fit in a strider
2 Alpha also counters mobile units a lot more than the giant pot shieldballs ( who are countered by either shield pen, which lasers are incapable of even at starlight levels, or continous saturation dps, which this unit is not) 2 Hitscan Alpha also counters mobile units a lot more than the giant pot shieldballs ( who are countered by either shield pen, which lasers are incapable of even at starlight levels, or continous saturation dps, which this unit is not) . Units will slowly get attritioned by hitscan alpha while shieldballs can tank the alpha as a whole and match the lower dps of hitscan with their regen more easily