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Post edit history

Lance strider

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
9/17/2023 11:18:34 AMPLrankrookstoo before revert after revert
9/17/2023 11:07:07 AMPLrankrookstoo before revert after revert
Before After
1 were talking a double lance hit at cerb range. i dont think its gonna be insta kill, when the thingy is like say 4-6k a pop 1 were talking a double lance hit at cerb range. i dont think its gonna be insta kill, when the thingy is like say 4-6k a pop ( yea 2k a pop is kinda too cheap, but like 3k at least sounds fun, 2 lance hit at price of 3 lances, but with distance)
2 also when maxed out and keeping charge its a liability to own porc detonating at half of moho geo when charged.. 2 also when maxed out and keeping charge its a liability to own porc detonating at half of moho geo when charged..