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it was the teamates fault

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12/3/2023 6:43:36 PMCArankGalamesh before revert after revert
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1 People learn in different ways at different paces, but lob pot is a perfect place to play a lot and never learn anything. 1 People learn in different ways at different paces, but lob pot is a perfect place to play a lot and never learn anything.
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3 The community is too small to segregate players by ranking, so every game contains the full spectrum. 3 The community is too small to segregate players by ranking, so every game contains the full spectrum.
4 If I wanted, I could create a new account and just do dumb strats the whole time. If that's all I did with that account, community wise, some people might complain but I would most likely be able to stay. Some cases were especially egregious because the players would make the game unfun for others, doing things that have either very questionable value or no value at all. 4 If I wanted, I could create a new account and just do dumb strats the whole time. If that's all I did with that account, community wise, some people might complain but I would most likely be able to stay. Some cases were especially egregious because the players would make the game unfun for others, doing things that have either very questionable value or no value at all.
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6 Looking at the current lob pot composition, I think my new account could get away with things like always rush to demistrider/strider every game (so long it isn't a det). I could always choose to spawn back row and just work on my megaproject, EVERY game, and because it's my MO and it can work sometimes, I can be bad faith and say it's legit. 6 Looking at the current lob pot composition, I think my new account could get away with things like always rush to demistrider/strider every game (so long it isn't a det). I could always choose to spawn back row and just work on my megaproject, EVERY game, and because it's my MO and it can work sometimes, I can be bad faith and say it's legit.
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8 That's how I see it. Bad faith. That's what I see when I watch players in the back row chain building singus while every front is falling. They don't even stop after 1. Even though it's getting more and more likely if not downright obvious the last singu started will never have the time to refund itself in OD, or even finish at all for that matter, they don't switch and just keep building it. 8 That's how I see it. Bad faith. That's what I see when I watch players in the back row chain building singus while every front is falling. They don't even stop after 1. Even though it's getting more and more likely if not downright obvious the last singu started will never have the time to refund itself in OD, or even finish at all for that matter, they don't switch and just keep building it.
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10 If you do this and you're level 1-30. . . sure. If you do this and you're 31-50. . . it's weird. If you do this and you're 100+, "insert curse words" youself. 10 If you do this and you're level 1-30. . . sure. If you do this and you're 31-50. . . it's weird. If you do this and you're 100+, "insert curse words" yourself.