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it was the teamates fault

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12/4/2023 5:37:08 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
12/4/2023 5:36:55 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
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1 [spiler]some good counter arguments made here i guess clown trolling is not the same as failing and new players are not the actual main problem. from what i gather its the firepluck syndrome of rushing big units that leaves a team struggling until they finish. and even if/when they do finish a bad micro makes striders or super-weapons loose the impact they may have had. . i have never seen a noob gift Godde a detriment. and Godde doesn't make detriments so sadly i never seen him use one. 1 [spoiler]some good counter arguments made here i guess clown trolling is not the same as failing and new players are not the actual main problem. from what i gather its the firepluck syndrome of rushing big units that leaves a team struggling until they finish. and even if/when they do finish a bad micro makes striders or super-weapons loose the impact they may have had. . i have never seen a noob gift Godde a detriment. and Godde doesn't make detriments so sadly i never seen him use one.
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3 what about edge cases like making berthas behind a hill so they cant shoot anything or porc in the base while they abandon front.. these actions may seem selfish/dumb because they are.. but they are also not the actions of skilled players and proove they are still noobs even high rank noobs exist. failing in ways that seem obvious to us is probably always going to be a part of any game. and if they really are noobs forever and that may very well be because they wont ever listen.. what choices do we have but to accept what they are. unless you want to ban them.. 3 what about edge cases like making berthas behind a hill so they cant shoot anything or porc in the base while they abandon front.. these actions may seem selfish/dumb because they are.. but they are also not the actions of skilled players and proove they are still noobs even high rank noobs exist. failing in ways that seem obvious to us is probably always going to be a part of any game. and if they really are noobs forever and that may very well be because they wont ever listen.. what choices do we have but to accept what they are. unless you want to ban them..
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5 if they were in a room sitting next to you playing LAN doing all these things including ignoring all communication i still think it would be abusive to chase them out of the room with a broom yelling 'bad player.. bad' because these are not pets peeing on the floor. they are people and for some making a zenith at minute 1 is the power trip they crave to save there own worlds from the crushing misery of feeling unremarkable. in a way to them it may even be a life death situation of ego self preservation that prevents them contemplating there own failings for fear of facing facts. this game is very hard and big robots make it seem like your wining even if your only retaking territory lost because you made a strider. atleast when noobs make big units they dont tend to feed as much. 5 if they were in a room sitting next to you playing LAN doing all these things including ignoring all communication i still think it would be abusive to chase them out of the room with a broom yelling 'bad player.. bad' because these are not pets peeing on the floor. they are people and for some making a zenith at minute 1 is the power trip they crave to save there own worlds from the crushing misery of feeling unremarkable. in a way to them it may even be a life death situation of ego self preservation that prevents them contemplating there own failings for fear of facing facts. this game is very hard and big robots make it seem like your wining even if your only retaking territory lost because you made a strider. atleast when noobs make big units they dont tend to feed as much.
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7 i do sympathize that games are won and lost because of these players.. unless something can be done to limit the availability of striders/super weapons it will remain the most delicious of noob baits[/spoiler] 7 i do sympathize that games are won and lost because of these players.. unless something can be done to limit the availability of striders/super weapons it will remain the most delicious of noob baits[/spoiler]