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On game-enders

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12/16/2023 11:55:08 AMunknownrankmanero before revert after revert
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1 the @SmokeDragon idea seems really valid to me. 1 the @SmokeDragon idea seems really valid to me.
2 Nothing to do that djnn minerva etc. but a kind of superweapon that activates a portal and introduces troops into the most unexpected points of the opposing army, crossing the shields of shielbots and funnels. 2 Nothing to do that djnn minerva etc. but a kind of superweapon that activates a portal and introduces troops into the most unexpected points of the opposing army, crossing the shields of shielbots and funnels.
3 this would also change the playing style of the two teams no longer entrenched in two opposing sides knowing that they could be attacked anywhere on the map they own. Much better than two hours of boredom and starlight battles from afar
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