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Post edit history

I make OP ZK edits :D

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
6/9/2024 12:27:39 PMunknownrankFaynthasyn before revert after revert
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1 Cool vid, 1 Cool vid,
2 Needs work on framing & timing, alt F5 hides the UI which is a huge help btw. 2 Needs work on framing & timing, Ctrl F5 hides the UI which is a huge help btw.
3 If your PC can't handle some games you can always render the footage at 0.1x speed and then speed it up in post like I usually do in some big pot battles for juicy & stable frame rate. I shall be waiting :D 3 If your PC can't handle some games you can always render the footage at 0.1x speed and then speed it up in post like I usually do in some big pot battles for juicy & stable frame rate. I shall be waiting :D