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Post edit history

Game mode home base

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/8/2024 9:08:38 PMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
7/4/2024 12:56:40 PMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
7/4/2024 8:43:35 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
7/4/2024 12:33:04 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
Before After
1 updae: 1 updae:
2 now requires 7 odins to kill. . 2 funnelwebs can now make any con.
3 now can be repaired 3 any con can morph slowly into its factory
4 athena cannot make normal troops but gets rainbow utility units and is cheaper 4 morphing to a factory or building it with a commander now costs 10K but does also still provide the +10 metal paying for itself eventualy
5 buffed shields x10 ~ needs testing 5
6 [spoiler]
7 [[staticcon]],
8 [[staticradar]],
9 [[staticheavyradar]],
10 [[staticjammer]],
11 [[cloakcon]],
12 [[vehheavyarty]],
13 [[cloakaa]],
14 [[gunshipemp]],
15 [[spiderantiheavy]],
16 [[jumpbomb]],
17 [[vehcapture]],
18 [[gunshiptrans]],
19 [[gunshipheavytrans]],
20 [[amphlaunch]],
21 [[jumpblackhole]],
22 [[shieldshield]],
23 [[cloakjammer]],
24 [[amphtele]],
25 [[planefighter]],
26 [[planescout]],
27 [[tankheavyarty]],
28 [/spoiler]