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Game mode limited tech

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/9/2024 11:43:36 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
Before After
1 no this changes builders so that they can construct 10 random units.. its not done though its broken ill fix it and my other new and old mods over the next few days 1 no this changes builders so that they can construct 10 random units.. its not done though its broken ill fix it and my other new and old mods over the next few days
2 \n
3 the mod you describe does not yet exsist although its possible.. i have managed to convert a spider unit into a cyclopse without issues.
4 \n
5 here is a simmilar mod.
6 \n
7 random gun
8 random weapons 25-400% original values
9 http://zero-k.info/Mods/Detail/73