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Game mode solid metal

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/24/2024 6:49:58 PMFRrankWyvern before revert after revert
Before After
1 Has a bug. When the commander is upgrading, its HP bonus is reduced after the upgrade 1 Has a bug. When the commander is upgrading, its HP bonus is reduced after the upgrade ( Upgraded Engy commander to level 2 with Stun blast + caretaker nanolathe, HP remained same, Upgrading to level 3 Radar jammer + Flux Amplifier, HP lowered from 36000 to 4000)
2 Noticed its base value isn't Multiplied by 10, its maybe the cause of it 2 Noticed its base value isn't Multiplied by 10, its maybe the cause of it
3 I guess the commander will have several problems with that mod 3 I guess the commander will have several problems with that mod
4 (Tested it with Unit Level Up mod only so far, other units are leveling up and getting HP increase normally) 4 (Tested it with Unit Level Up mod only so far, other units are leveling up and getting HP increase normally)